Perguntas Frequentes

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How it works

Country Pick is the place to go when you want to find some amazing hidden gems tours. Once you've done a tour you can mark the country as visited, post your tour and share with friends and family.
You can add tours with photos and text and select countries to be highlighted on the map.
  • First create a new account.
  • Once you have logged in go to the map and select a country in the map.
  • Select the option "Yes, I've been there" and then the map will highlight the countries you have visited.
  • Then, you can chose amazing hidden gems tours and post your trips to share with friends and family.
To share a tour, you need to go to the tour page and click on "Share Tour". Then, you can copy the link and send to your friends or just click on the Facebook button to post on facebook.


You can manage your personal information, including name, password and payment information on the Account Settings page.
When logged in, select the "User Profile" and then choose "Account Settings" on the right menu.
If you don’t want to add any more tours in the near future, you don’t have to delete your account, you can just pause your subscription for as long as you wish.
If you do want to delete your account for good, log into your account go to User Profile and click on "Cancel Your Account". All your tours will be deleted.