South America

Best things to do in Amazonas

Find out more about those top places in Amazonas

Things to do in Amazonas - Brazil

Amazonas is the vast heart of Brazil. More than four times the size of Germany, this Brazilian state is home to a dazzling array of rainforest flora and fauna and is where the world’s longest and largest river, the Amazon, is formed. Despite this, Amazonas remains a hidden gem all too often skipped over by travelers who stick to the country’s eastern seaboard. A tour of Amazonas inevitably starts in Manaus, a gritty port city incongruously located in the middle of pristine wilderness thousands of miles from any ocean. While Manaus has its charms, it is primarily a gateway to the rainforest where Amazon River cruises and jungle tours depart. To experience the Amazon of your dreams, excursions to the remote Mamirauá Reserve and Reserva Extrativista Baixo Rio Branco-Jauaperi are a must.

  • Meeting Of The Waters

    The Amazonian Rainforest offers visitors an opportunity to view a very extraordinary phenomenon. A boat tour of the Amazonian Rainforest allows you the privilege of seeing the meeting of waters or more appropriately, the union of the Black River and the Solimões River.

    Meeting Of The Waters Boat Tour

  • Pink Dolphins

    Pink Dolphins present a gorgeous sight and can be found in the freshwater habitats in the Amazon. During a tour of this site, you also get to feed them and learn about their ecosystem and physical features. Of all dolphin species, they are considered the most intelligent and are also very social and friendly to tourists and visitors.

    Amazon Dolphins Day Tour

  • Amazon Theatre

    Right in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, stands the Amazon Theater. The Amazon Theater is an opera house and is located in Manaus which is in the heart of the Amazon. While on your tour of the Amazon, ensure that you check out this Theater.

    Manaus Full Day City Tour

  • Amazon Jungle

    Take a tour of the Amazon Jungle and experience a life different from the one you know. Travel from the Juma River to the Juma River reserve in 4 days and 3 nights and enjoy a night of immense pleasure on a floating jungle guest house while gray and pink dolphins swim by giving you a feeling of being in Utopia.

    Amazon Jungle Tour

  • Tucandeira Ants Ritual

    New experiences are a part of every tour but a unique experience like the Tucandeira Ants Ritual can only be gotten on this particular tour. This particular experience is the indigenous rituals of the Sateré Mawé Tribe and is unique. This ritual is carried out as a form of male initiation.

    Tucandeira Ants Ritual

Best places to stay in Amazonas

Brazil tours featuring Amazonas